Monday, May 21, 2007

High Technology Requires High Pain Threshold

It's not news that "high technology" requires extraordinary pain thresholds. Only the intrepid, the very young, masochists or folks with profound memory loss would choose to continue purchasing new products and services dependent on high technology solutions.

Cell phones are an easy target, and their horrific "user experience" is nothing new. That the problems I'm describing are mundane only underscores the pitiful state we're in.

Bill Moggridge in his keynote at CHI2007 (the annual international conference on Human/Computer Interaction) this year gave us a tour through his latest book Designing Interactions. He dedicates quite a bit space to discussions of the failure of DoCoMo services, specifically the unfortunate and in end highly entertaining and amusing attempts by an office administrator to use her DoCoMo enabled phone to purchase a can of coke.

My wife (The Reluctant User) and I finally made the decision to purchase a cell phone for our daughter RELa on her 17th birthday. Its absurd (at this juncture in history) to even think there's a need to list the reasons for our decision, the bigger question might be why we waited so long. We have been a long-time supporter of Working Assets recently moving our wireless accounts to their Sprint PCS based service. While they don't provide a huge selection of phones, it seemed for our daughter's needs, the Nokia 6165i would be more than sufficient.

When we had moved our own accounts over, we chose an LG phone, mostly because it was free and had more options and features than we would ever need or use. The 6165i, while not the sleekest, coolest or most advanced device on the planet, was sufficiently feature laden and not the LG that it seemed like it would do. So in spite of the dread I was feeling in learning all of the new options and interactions required to support this different device, I recommended we go with it.

All was well. We ordered the phone well in advance of the day in case there might be problems and were delighted that it fired right up. On the big day, RELa unwraps it, turns it on and of course immediately begins the process of customizing it - ringers, wallpapers, etc.

In every case, the phone indicated that no such files existed.

My daughter has built up a much larger tolerance for technology's brittleness over the past year as she has taken on more and more ambitious projects on her iMac. The screams of frustration and declarations of "Pathetic!" and "Stupid" have died down to mere mutterings. So I was impressed this time as she looked with only mild annoyance and almost clinical objectivity as the phone failed to do what was clearly being asked of it. She was all too ready to hand the thing over to me to see if I might tease out what the problem was.

After trying the several pathways to various content/customization "galleries," I agreed with her that Something Was Wrong. As it was too late on a Thursday night to call anyone, we left it for the next morning.

The first call, on Friday, to Nokia's tool-free number, was efficient and supportive: that's not the way the phone should work. The customer service rep suggested I call our service provider who sold us the phone.

"Tanya" at Working Assets immediately understood the problem: the 6165i was stripped of any content before it was sent to end users.

Tanya took my shrieks of "foul" in stride - she'd obviously been down this road before. Even as I was sputtering about changing the web-site to make this apparent "feature" more clear to the shopper, she was offering to a) gladly pursue my suggestion of replacing the phone, or better yet, she suggested, b) provide a credit to my daughter for her to download some ringtones and wallpaper from the Working Assets site.

As I spoke with her, I took a quick tour of the offered content and decided it would be much less hassle to just let RELa download what she wanted...the base ringers and wallpapers were usually so lame anyway, I rationalized.

With our account now properly credited, I expected we had resolved the situation.


When next we approached the device, it was late on a Saturday night, waiting in line for a dance recital to begin. RELa deftly navigated her way to the Web connection (one button click on the navigation key) and watched in amazement as the pretty icon of a spinning world kept spinning, with the comforting words: "preparing service." Again, without the slightest sign of annoyance, she turned the thing over to me. My ratlike sniffings at the various maze entries returned slightly different reactions, but the same result.

It being too late on a Saturday to reach "Tanya," we put it down for the evening.

After exactly one week, with no fewer than 6 support calls to Working Assets, all of which were the most civil, understanding and truly supportive calls I've experienced in years, we finally have a phone that can connect to the Web. It still doesn't have content on it, but at least it can connect. The gymnastics we all went through during those calls are too demeaning and meaningless to log in detail, but suffice it to say, entering "secret" codes, "provisioning" the service, re-entering secret codes and the like, ultimately forcing Sprint to do a network check, finally led Working Assets to conclude that the phone needed to be replaced. Which they did, overnight without charge to us.

Of course, it still needed to go through the 4 hour provisioning cycle, but once that was complete, voila! the little spinning earth resolved into the Working Assets website. Nirvana!

I've tried to sum up the cost to Working Assets, Nokia, and Sprint to resolve this issue and I suspect it's well into the 100s of dollars. I'm not bothering to account for the cost of my inconvenience and my time in being complicit in rectifying this decision on Sprint's part to eliminate content from the phone. I was as amused as I was annoyed, and the incredibly patient and service-oriented Working Assets staff made that whole side of the experience as comfortable as it could be.

We still don't have content downloaded, but that's RELa's problem at this point...until I hear her cries of anguish from the computer room.


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